Features and specs
Quality appears very good for a $20 model. They are completely blue except for the gold plated tip. They use a tangle free cable design, that while it was a bit thin, did seem to be of good quality. The connection terminals to the earbud housing also appeared good overall, quality of materials used appeared good, as was the fit and finish. They did look a decent amount more than $20. Maybe in the $40-50 range.
FreshAire II: Going to Another Place: had cool crisp strings, and ok air on the flute. The piano sounded natural. Justin Timberlake: Sexyback: had nice base output. Extension was ok, with only a small amount of some distortion. Vocals were natural, and it was fairly dynamic. Junior Wells: Why are People Like That: vocals sounded natural, harmonica had nice harmonics but not quite as dynamic.
Did they perform like $20 earbuds? Most definitely not! They did sound much better than that. Did they sound as good as a $100 pair of IEM's? Not as good as the models I have on hand. They were not quite as clean sounding, or as dynamic, or as much resolution. But I was still surprised at the sound for the price.
All in all, for $20 you can't go wrong with these earbuds. They sound much better than $20. Build quality was also fairly good. They even come with 2 additional sized ear tips. If you are in the market for some good quality earbuds on a tight budget and want to feel you are getting a big bang for your buck, these Painted Tunes are definitely worth a look. http://www.blueskyfun.com/headphones.html http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_13?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=painted+tunes+headphones&sprefix=painted+tunes%2Caps%2C305
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